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Weiler does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, links, graphics, and other items contained on this Web site or any other Web site. Thus, WEILER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER RELATING TO THIS WEB SITE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. Weiler will periodically revise the information, services, products, and resources contained in this Web site, and reserves the right to make such changes without any obligation to notify past, current, or prospective visitors. IN NO EVENT SHALL WEILER BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS WEB SITE. The above disclaimer of liability applies to damages caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption or delay, deletion or alteration, defect, unauthorized access or use, disabling device (virus, worm or other), theft, or destruction under any cause of action.

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Except as expressly stated above, nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring any license or right under any Weiler copyright, patent, or trademark.


All remarks, suggestions, ideas, graphics, or other information you communicate to Weiler through this Web site will become and remain the property of Weiler. You understand that this means:

  • Weiler does not have to treat any such submission as confidential.
  • You cannot claim any rights against Weiler for the use of the ideas you submit (including, but not limited to, product or advertising ideas).
  • If Weiler uses your submissions (or anything like them), Weiler does not have to pay you or anyone else for them. Weiler will have exclusive ownership of all present and future rights to submissions of every kind.
  • Weiler can use the submissions for any purpose, without compensating you or anyone else for them.

You acknowledge that you have full responsibility for the information you submit. You also acknowledge that Weiler is NOT liable for any claims that the information you submit violates any laws or infringes the rights of any third party including, without limitation, defamation, right of privacy or publicity, trademark, copyright, or consumer protection.